Providing mental health support to encourage wellness and healthy lifestyles.

About Us

NOS Consulting, PLLC specializing in mental health services and workshops.  We provide the initial assessment as well as ongoing counseling and therapeutic services to children, adolescents and adults ranging from 3 years of age through adulthood.


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Group Therapy

Group counseling allows one to find out that they are not alone in their type of life challenge.

Individual Therapy

A personal opportunity to receive support and experience growth during challenging times in life

Family Therapy

Every couple experiences ups and downs in their levels of closeness and harmony over time.

Couples Therapy

Family counseling is often sought due to a life change or stress negatively affecting one or all areas of family closeness

Head Start Program

Assess social and emotional development of young children 3-5 to determine and recommend additional evaluations.

Substance Abuse

A personal opportunity to receive support and experience growth during challenging times in life.

Book an appointment

Free Consultation? (917)597-3651
